
Pregnancy-Contraceptive Injection Advantages and Disadvantages

Contraceptive injection is either an injection in progestin (synthetic progesterone) or both progestin and estrogen are present with hormones which prevent your body from producing eggs and condiments. . You have to take one shot of this injection once or twice, although once it is implemented, then it is difficult to stop. The way to work for contraceptive injection is like the contraceptive pill or contraceptive ring, just do not need to remember it. However, this is not a good idea for women
(Read more - measures to prevent pregnancy)
This article has been explained in detail. Along with this, types and benefits of contraceptive injections are also reported. You will also know how much the cost of contraceptive injections
  1. What is contraceptive injection
  2. How To Use Contraceptive Injection
  3. Benefits of Contraceptive Injection
  4.  Loss of contraceptive injection
  5. Contraceptive injection price
  6. What is contraceptive injection
Doctor contraceptive injection of type benefit and disadvantage is such an injection in either progestin (synthetic progesterone) alone or with both progestin and estrogen hormones which prevent your body from producing egg and mucous in the cervix (uterus) Mucus). You have to take one shot of this injection once or once every three months with your doctor. Although once applied, then it is difficult to stop the effect of the injection. The method of contraceptive injection is like the contraceptive or contraceptive ring, just remember to take it every day or week.

What is contraceptive injection

Contraception injection is also called Depot. As mentioned above, it is a injection of hormone (progestogene (a section of steroids hormone which activates progesterone receptors). Progestogen is similar to the hormones produced by the ovaries. Pregnancy injections (Depot-Provera Saina Press and Norristat) release progestogen hormones in your blood veins to prevent pregnancy. If these injections are used properly, then this is 99 percent effective measures. Its effect lasts for 8 to 13 weeks, so you do not have to think about birth control every day. This is most useful for women who have to remember to take daily contraceptive pill. In it you only need to keep in mind that how long this injection will have effect. It is also useful for women who can not use contraception with estrogen. (Read more - How to use Copper T)

Type of contraceptive injection -

Contraception injection is given periodically to stop pregnancy in women. There are three types of this - Depot-Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA) This is the most common type of contraceptive injection that is used everywhere. Its 150 mg injection is applied once in three months. In India it is called Depot-Provera. Norethindrone Enanthate (NET-EN) 200 mg of this injection is administered once in two months. It does not get in India right now. Combined estrogen and progestin is also known as a monthly injection or monthly injection. It is known as cyclopheme cycloprowera and mesigyan. These are all injections once in a month, in which 25 mg Depo Medroxy progesterone acetate and 5 mg estradiol CPOnet are found. These do not even get in India yet.
How to Use Contraception Injection -
Depot-prone and nocturnal injections are usually applied on the hip, but if you want, you can apply them on your own. Saina can put the injection of the press on the stomach or thigh. They can learn to apply injections themselves but keep in mind that contraceptive injections should be used only after consultation with the doctor. You can apply these injections at any time during the monthly cycle unless you are pregnant. If you apply injections in the first five days of your monthly cycle, you will not get pregnant. (And read - physical connection during periods) If injected in any other day of the monthly cycle, then you will have to use additional contraception for 7 days as condom. (Read more - Use of condoms)

Benefits of Contraceptive Injection -

Following are the advantages of contraceptive injection - there is no problem in having sex with it. (Read more - measures to increase sexual power) You do not have to remember to take pill daily. The effect of every injection lasts for 8 to 13 weeks. This injection is safe even if you are breastfeeding the baby. (Read more - Breast Feeding Tips in Hindi) Other medicines do not have any effect on this. This reduces the risk of painful menstrual bleeding and high blood sugar and also helps in the symptoms of prementric syndrome. (Read more - Measures for reducing excess bleeding in menstruation) If you can not use contraceptive based on estrogen, then it is a good idea for you.
Loss of contraceptive injection
The disadvantages of contraceptive injection are as follows:
 Any side effect can remain as long as the effect of the injection remains or it may last longer. It can take about a year for your monthly cycle to become normal and to become eligible for your pregnancy. With this change in your menstrual cycle, this irregular menstruation can be very bleeding, very little menstrual cycle can stop or completely stop. Even after leaving your injections, this effect can remain for a few months. It does not keep you safe from STD. Changes in Acne Mood You may also have the effects of sex desire, hair loss and headache. Some people may have problems with gaining weight by taking Depot-Provera or Saina press injection.

Contraceptive injection price

In India, only Depot-Provera contraceptive injection is available which costs around 250-300 rupees. Whether you wish to take advantage of the scheme of providing contraception introduced by the Indian government. This included the first five types of contraceptives, but now the government has also included injections that will be made available for free. Note - This article is for informational purposes only. is not advising any kind of medical treatment at any cost. Decide only by talking to your doctor about what medical treatment is right for you

What is contraceptive injection -

Contraception injection is also called Depot. As mentioned above, it is a injection of hormone (progestogene (a section of steroids hormone which activates progesterone receptors). Progestogen is similar to the hormones produced by the ovaries. Pregnancy injections (Depot-Provera Saina Press and Norristat) release progestogen hormones in your blood veins to prevent pregnancy. If these injections are used properly, then this is 99 percent effective measures. Its effect lasts for 8 to 13 weeks, so you do not have to think about birth control every day. This is most useful for women who have to remember to take daily contraceptive pill. In it you only need to keep in mind that how long this injection will have effect. It is also useful for women who can not use contraception with estrogen. (Read more - How to use Copper T)

Type of contraceptive injection -

Contraception injection is given periodically to stop pregnancy in women. There are three types of this - Depot-Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA) This is the most common type of contraceptive injection that is used everywhere. Its 150 mg injection is applied once in three months. In India it is called Depot-Provera. Norethindrone Enanthate (NET-EN) 200 mg of this injection is administered once in two months. It does not get in India right now. Combined estrogen and progestin is also known as a monthly injection or monthly injection. It is known as cyclopheme cycloprowera and mesigyan. These are all injections once in a month, in which 25 mg Depo Medroxy progesterone acetate and 5 mg estradiol CPOnet are found. These do not even get in India yet.

How to Use Contraception Injection -

Depot-prone and nocturnal injections are usually applied on the hip, but if you want, you can apply them on your own. Saina can put the injection of the press on the stomach or thigh. They can learn to apply injections themselves but keep in mind that contraceptive injections should be used only after consultation with the doctor. You can apply these injections at any time during the monthly cycle unless you are pregnant. If you apply injections in the first five days of your monthly cycle, you will not get pregnant. (And read - physical connection during periods) If injected in any other day of the monthly cycle, then you will have to use additional contraception for 7 days as condom. (Read more - Use condoms) Benefits of contraceptive injections - Contraceptive Injection benefits in hindi The following are the advantages of contraceptive injection - There is no problem in having sex with it. (Read more - measures to increase sexual power) You do not have to remember to take pill daily. The effect of every injection lasts for 8 to 13 weeks. This injection is safe even if you are breastfeeding the baby. (Read more - Breast Feeding Tips in Hindi) Other medicines do not have any effect on this. This reduces the risk of painful menstrual bleeding and high blood sugar and also helps in the symptoms of prementric syndrome. (Read more - Measures for reducing excess bleeding in menstruation) If you can not use contraceptive based on estrogen, then it is a good idea for you.

The disadvantages of contraceptive injection are as follows:

 Any side effect can remain as long as the effect of the injection remains or it may last longer. It can take about a year for your monthly cycle to become normal and to become eligible for your pregnancy. With this change in your menstrual cycle, this irregular menstruation can be very bleeding, very little menstrual cycle can stop or completely stop. Even after leaving your injections, this effect can remain for a few months. It does not keep you safe from STD. Changes in Acne Mood You may also have the effects of sex desire, hair loss and headache. Some people may have problems with gaining weight by taking Depot-Provera or Saina press injection. Contraception Injection Price -
In India, only Depot-Provera contraceptive injection is available which costs around 250-300 rupees. Whether you wish to take advantage of the scheme of providing contraception introduced by the Indian government. This included the first five types of contraceptives, but now the government has also included injections that will be made available for free. Note - This article is for informational purposes only. is not advising any kind of medical treatment at any cost. Decide only by talking to your doctor about what medical treatment is right for you



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