What is the IUD, type, method of use and benefits - Intrauterine Device (IUD)
Pregnant with iud and period
The full name of "IUD" is "Intrauterine Device" which is what IUD is in Hindi. It is a type of contraceptive device available for women, which is in the shape of "T". It is made of plastic and is fitted inside a woman's uterus. IUD protects sperm from the male partner's sperm and prevents the pregnancy of the woman by preventing fertilization. If you use IUD correctly, 1% of the pregnancy is less than 25%. This is an effective and long lasting birth control method. However, if you ever want to become pregnant then the IUD can be easily removed because they are not permanentcontraceptives like sterilization. (Read more - Important information before pregnancy) IUDs can provide protection from pregnancy for 3 years to 12 years depending on the type you use. IUDs are both types of copper and hormonal, which have been described in further detail. IUDs do not provide protection against sexual contact (STI). If you are suspected of risk of STI, then the best way to reduce this risk is to use condom while having sex with your sexual partner. If your partner does not want to use condoms, then you can use female condoms. May be. IUD types - IUD types in india in hindi Currently, the following two types are available in the IUD as a contraceptive remedy for women - 1. Hormonal IUD hormonal IUD is a small T-shaped device, it has a cylinder containing a hormone called progestogene it happens. Three hormonal IUDs are available in India - Skyla Mirena and Liletta secrete a small amount of prosthetic hormone progestin in your body. Depending on the type of IUD you use, hormonal IUD can give you protection from conception for 3 to 6 years, and if you are worried about menorrhea (excess bleeding in menstrual menstrual bleeding) This can be a good option for you because it can reduce bleeding in your menstrual cycle. (And read - the right time of pregnancy) Hormonal IUD can take effect within one week to start working, so ask your doctor if you should wait for a week to have sex or during the back-up form But any other method of birth control such as condom should be used. This type of IUD can also be called intrauterine system (IUS). 2. Non-hormonal IUD non-hormonal IUD is a small plastic device in which copper is wrapped around it. The only type of non-hormonal IUD available in India is called "paragrade". It is made of plastic and in a small quantity of natural and safe copper. Paragord does not affect your menstrual period and if it is used properly, it can provide you protection from conception for 12 years. The period here is almost twice as compared to the hormonal IUD. (And read - the correct age for becoming a mother) The non-hormonal IUD's specialty is also that it starts protecting you from conception immediately after fitting within the vagina. In fact, Copper-T IUD is a very effective method of emergency contraceptive if it is fitted within five days of unprotected sexual intercourse, it can still prevent pregnancy. (And read-how to be pregnant) How IUD works - IUD affects the entry and survival of the sperm in the uterus (womb) so that they do not have the ability to fertilize the egg. Can reach IUDs also change the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) so that it is not suitable for pregnancy and if the egg is still remaining then the egg can not be developed. Copper IUD and hormonal IUD both prevent sperm from changing the way the sperm cells move, so that they can not reach the egg. If the sperm can not reach the egg then pregnancy can not be done. (Read more - How pregnancy is done) In the paragrade IUD, copper is used to prevent pregnancy. Sperm hybrids do not like copper, so paragraph IUD makes the sperm almost impossible to reach the egg. Skyla (Mirena) and Liletta hormones found in IUD prevent pregnancy in two ways - the first they thicken the mucous membrane on the uterus, which block the sperm path. The second hormone sometimes prevents eggs from leaving your ovary (called ovulation), which means that there is no egg to fertilize the sperm. If no eggs are available then pregnancy is not possible. (Read more - myths related to ovulation) Is it safe to place an IUD - IUD is safe or not. Most experts agree with the fact that if you are healthy and have uterus in your stomach, then you may be able to use the IUD to fit Are. This is true even when you are young, never pregnant or have not yet been your child. These new mothers who have just given birth to a baby are also a better method for them even if they are breastfeeding. (Read more - Solving problems associated with breastfeeding)
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