
Showing posts from April, 2019


How to have garlic and honey and its benefits

 How to have garlic and honey and its benefits Do you often get sick if you are, perhaps it is an indication that your immune system is not as strong as before. For a person to be healthy, his immune system must be strong so that he can fight the disease. The person who has weakened the immune system is more likely to have more than one disease. Therefore it is important to consume a healthy diet for good health. Eating garlic and honey is very beneficial. The combination of these two elements strengthens your immune system and improves your ability to combat your body's illnesses. (Read more - Benefits of honey) Garlic and honey are being used for centuries. Its use helps in eliminating many kinds of diseases. Taking honey with garlic increases its properties multiplied. By consuming it you can strengthen your immune system too. This mixture works as an antibiotic. (Read more - Benefits of eating garlic) Benefits of honey and garlic for cholesterol - Garlic and Honey for ...

Benefits of honey -

We are all familiar with the sweetness of honey. But do you know that humans began hunting for honey almost 8,000 years ago, and the remains of the oldest honey in Georgia have been found. Where the archaeologists found that honey is made on the inner surfaces of the soil characters. It is believed that the clay characters were found in the ancient tombs of approximately 5000 years old. Bees need to work very hard to produce a small amount of honey. For the production of one pound honey, a group of bees have to collect honey (nectar) from almost two million flowers and have to fly at least 55,000 miles. Overall, a bee group can produce about 100 pounds of honey a year. According to the scientists, while making honey, the bee does not relax or sleep. They dance and interact with each other by producing substances called pheromones. The only food made by insects is honey, which is used by humans. It is said that honey is never bad. Because honey is a chemical compound that protects it f...

Women Sex Problems

Women Sex Problems,Sex Education  Sex education tells about all aspects of sex. In this, the emotional responsibilities associated with sex is the composition of the body of human beings, sexual activity, fertility, the right to reproduce the right age for sex is explained in terms of safe sex, birth control and restraint in sex. Many such works are done by the School Public Health Program for this kind of education and the parents of the family. Earlier, no information was given to the teenagers on this subject. It was also considered wrong to talk about these topics in society. Any information that was given a little too was given by the people of the house and it was also closed before marriage. But in the 19th century the movement was organized for such education. Since then, we have learned to give full information about sex to children and youth. In sex education, it is explained in detail about pregnancy and rescue as well as sexual health of women and men. It is made awar...

Uses and Benefits of Banana Peel

Banana is one of the common fruits found in the world and many people enjoy bananas in the form of snacks. This is a superfood that helps fight many diseases. Banana is considered to be very good for our health. Most of us throw bananas after eating banana. But do you know which peeps we or you throw is beneficial for us. Properties of antioxidants antifungal antibacterial and enzymatic are found in banana peels. Apart from this, vitamin B6b12 magnesium and potassium are abundant in it. All of these nutrients help us to enhance our beauty. Benefits of Banana Peels - For Dental Use of banana peels for masas - Using banana peels to remove acne - Use banana peels to remove stain spots - Benefits of banana peel gives relief from itching - Removal of banana peel measures - The benefits of banana peel should be wound - Properties of Banana Peels Removed by Wrinkles - Helping Psoriasis Make Peal - Use of banana peel in pain - Benefits of Banana Peels - For Dental - If you are ...

Benefits and disadvantages of banana leaves

Banana is a tropical fruit preferred by many people in the world. We are all familiar with many health benefits with energy from bananas and often include athlete's diet in our diet. But very few people know that banana leaves also have many health benefits. (Read more - Benefits of eating milk and banana)  Banana leaves (a dry and fresh one) can also be used in medicinal form. They also have many benefits for our health and beauty. From these we can cure sore throat cures like common cold and fever. In some countries it is also used as a traditional spa material, which is very good for skin. (Read more - Benefits of eating raw banana) Benefits of Banana Leaf - Benefits of Banana leaves remove the sore throat Benefits of Banana Leaf Benefits in Fever - Make Banana Leaf Properties Eminem Strengthening System - Benefits of banana leaves are beneficial in dysentery - Keep the medicinal properties of banana leaves healthy to the skin - Use of banana leaves is beneficial for...

Benefits and disadvantages of banana root

Benefits and disadvantages of banana root As we all know, banana consumption is very beneficial for our health. But do you know that apart from banana, other parts of the plant can also be beneficial for you? One of those parts is Banana roots. (Read more - Benefits of banana leaf)   Banana root is full of nutrients which can be useful in keeping the body healthy. Banana roots have a rich source of serotonin norepinephine tannin hydroxytrytamine dopamine vitamin A vitamin B and vitamin C. (Read more - Uses and Benefits of Banana Peel) Benefits of Banana Root - Benefits of Banana Root Help Fever - Benefits of Banana Root Get rid of swelling Banana Rout for High Blood Pressure in Hindi - Benefits of eating banana root Beneficial in asthma - Benefits of Banana Root - Pain Relief - Use the root of banana for eyes - Make medicinal properties of banana root. Rescue from mouth ulcers - Banana root is useful in stomach ulcers - Benefits of Banana Root - Bana...

Home Remedies

There are treatments with natural home remedies that are readily available from home, such as fruits, vegetables, grasses, spices and herbs etc. These substances are things that usually come out daily in front of us. To deal with common diseases, it is easy to prepare such treatments with available items in our kitchen. Some common examples of such items are apple vinegar, garlic, curd, aloeovera, boric acid, folic acid, tomatoes, raw onions, tea tree oil, almonds, cinnamon, lemon juice, nuts, eggs, turmeric, green Tea, baking soda, natural honey etc. Whose home remedies are used for? How do home remedies work? Benefits of home remedies Home remedies, home remedies, grandmother's prescriptions - Whose home remedies are used for? A common feature of home remedies is that they can usually be used by a normal person. No expertise is required for this, provided knowledge of proper method of use has been obtained. For the method of treatment you do not need to read any rocket scie...
