Benefits and disadvantages of banana root
Benefits and disadvantages of banana root
As we all know, banana consumption is very beneficial for our health. But do you know that apart from banana, other parts of the plant can also be beneficial for you? One of those parts is Banana roots.
(Read more - Benefits of banana leaf)
Banana root is full of nutrients which can be useful in keeping the body healthy. Banana roots have a rich source of serotonin norepinephine tannin hydroxytrytamine dopamine vitamin A vitamin B and vitamin C. (Read more - Uses and Benefits of Banana Peel)
Benefits of Banana Root -
Benefits of Banana Root Help Fever -
Benefits of Banana Root Get rid of swelling
Banana Rout for High Blood Pressure in Hindi -
Benefits of eating banana root Beneficial in asthma -
Benefits of Banana Root - Pain Relief -
Use the root of banana for eyes -
Make medicinal properties of banana root. Rescue from mouth ulcers -
Banana root is useful in stomach ulcers -
Benefits of Banana Root - Banana roots are known for the treatment of many diseases, in which hematuria (bloody urine is usually due to bladder bacterial infection) can also be treated. Apart from this bananas have the ability to become antidote, because it is being used for many years as traditional herbal ingredients. There is plenty of tannin found in it, which acts as an antiseptic.
So let's know about its benefits:
Benefits of Banana Root Fever Help - Banana roots have antipyretic properties which can have very cold effects in the body. These properties are very useful for getting rid of fever. Antipyretic is a medical term that helps reduce fever by increasing blood flow. It is beneficial to remove the heat from the body through the hair holes through the banana stem. Therefore taking banana roots is beneficial in a fever. (Read more - Household remedies for breaking fever)
Benefits of Banana Root Get rid of swelling - Banana roots are used as a Traditional medicines used to treat swelling. To cure sore throat, you can use the root of the banana. For this you wash the root of the banana until it is cleaned properly. Now squeeze the mixture and add three quarters cup of water and boil it. After that, squeeze the root of the banana until the roots of these roots are gone. Until your swelling gets cured, rinse it by 4-6 times a day. (Read more - Benefits of eating raw banana) In addition to treating swelling of the brain, you can drink banana root juice. Wash 200 grams of banana thoroughly and clean the roots. Then take enough water and blend it well. Drink regularly to get good results. (Read more - Benefits of eating milk and banana)
Banana Root for High Blood Pressure in Hindi - The root can be consumed to treat high blood pressure. If you consume juice of banana root, then it can help control and reduce blood pressure. To use banana roots for blood pressure, boil about 30 to 120 grams fresh banana roots in water. Eat this decoction. Drink one or two cups of decoction three times a day regularly to get good results. Apart from this, you can also consume this decoction to treat cold cold. (Read more - What to eat in high blood pressure)
The benefits of eating banana root are beneficial in asthma - Kele ki jad khane ke fayde hain asthma mein labhkari As we have already mentioned that banana roots have swelling and antipyretic properties. These properties are also very useful for reducing respiratory or asthma diseases. So if you are suffering from asthma, then you should consume the prepared decoction of banana root. (Read more - home remedies for asthma)
Benefits of Banana Root - Pain Relief - To get relief from pain on minor injuries, you can use the root of the banana. The abundance of tannin in banana roots can help prevent pain in the wound. Apart from this, the root of the banana can help open the blood vessels. (Read more - Household Remedies for Wounding)
Use the root of banana for eyes - Kele ki jad ka upyog karne aankhon ke liye. The roots of banana are also very beneficial for the eyes because the root of the banana contains plenty of vitamin A. The way the consumption of carrots is beneficial for the eyes, the use of banana roots is very useful for the eyes. So if you want to keep your eyes healthy to some extent, then you should eat bananas prepared from the root of the banana.
Make medicinal properties of banana root. Rescue from mouth ulcers - Banana roots have the ability to prevent and cure from barks, because the roots of bananas have properties that reduce swelling and act as an antiseptic. We do. So if you want to cure barks, then you must rinse several times a day with banana root decoction. (Read more - Measures to remove mouth ulcers)
The use of banana root is useful in stomach ulcers - Banana has rooted properties in the root. Therefore its consumption can help to calm the stomach. The abundance of dopamine in the root of banana helps eliminate gastric acid. This can help prevent the onset of ulcerative disease. You can use the banana roots as an herbal substitute for cure ulcers. For this, wash the root of the banana well and soak it in water. Boil this water and prepare the decoction. Eat this decoction. (Read more - Household remedies for stomach ulcers)
The use of banana root is useful in stomach ulcers - Banana has rooted properties in the root. Therefore its consumption can help to calm the stomach. The abundance of dopamine in the root of banana helps eliminate gastric acid. This can help prevent the onset of ulcerative disease. You can use the banana roots as an herbal substitute for cure ulcers. For this, wash the root of the banana well and soak it in water. Boil this water and prepare the decoction. Eat this decoction. (Read more - Household remedies for stomach ulcers)
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