Cough is a common Problem.
Cough is a common problem. Many people start having this problem as the weather changes. But some people cough not only during daytime but also during night time. It is also difficult to sleep at night because of cough. Despite trying many types of remedies, night cough repeatedly harasses. The question is what should be done in such a way that% 3F should not be disturbed. Here we are giving you some ways to avoid night cough, which you can get rid of the problem of cough. Use two pillows, it is usually treated only after knowing what is the cause of cough. But if the problem of cough is troubled over and over again, keep your head high above other parts of the body before sleeping. Indeed, cough occurs at night when there is a problem in the throat and in the breathing hose. In such cases, when the head is raised then there is less trouble in the throat and there is no cough. (Read more - The right way to sleep) Keep the house clean Those who do not keep their bedroom beds and home c...