
Cough is a common Problem.

Cough is a common problem. Many people start having this problem as the weather changes. But some people cough not only during daytime but also during night time. It is also difficult to sleep at night because of cough. Despite trying many types of remedies, night cough repeatedly harasses. The question is what should be done in such a way that% 3F should not be disturbed. Here we are giving you some ways to avoid night cough, which you can get rid of the problem of cough. Use two pillows, it is usually treated only after knowing what is the cause of cough. But if the problem of cough is troubled over and over again, keep your head high above other parts of the body before sleeping. Indeed, cough occurs at night when there is a problem in the throat and in the breathing hose. In such cases, when the head is raised then there is less trouble in the throat and there is no cough. (Read more - The right way to sleep) Keep the house clean Those who do not keep their bedroom beds and home clean regularly, they may also have problems with cough at night. Therefore, pay close attention to cleanliness. In fact, due to the mess in the house, dust particles are found in the air, which goes on in the respiratory tube during breathing. This also causes cough on the night. Those who are allergic to dust are more upset. It means that by taking care of the cleanliness of the house you can also avoid the problem of cough at night. To keep the house clean, use airfilter at home. Along with this, do not allow cockroaches in the house to flourish. Their presence can also worsen your health. (Read more - Cockroach disease) Sleep only when you sleep, do not sleep till bedtime till you get sleeping. Those who have cough problems, they start coughing after lying down. So sleep when you get to sleep. Along with this, keep in mind that coughing at night indicates cardiovascular diseases. So do not take night cough lightly. Contact the doctor immediately after cough for more days. Colds and colds remain due to cold and cold due to the fact that some people have cough problems during the night. If this is the case with you then do not worry, try these solutions to reduce your cold and cold. Try to eat hot things. This will ease your health and decrease coughing in the night. If you are older than 6 years then take cough medication. This will ease soon. (Read more - What to eat when you cough) Do not sleep after dinner, or soon after dinner, some people start coughing due to sleep. Dinner, always two hours before sleeping at night. In fact, many times you eat such food at night, which starts to become acidity in the stomach and returns to the food pipe. If you lie down from it, you start coughing. Due to this problem do not happen in time, and sleep after 1 to 2 hours of dinner. (Read more - The right time to eat food) Overall, the thing to say is that if you cough too much at night, you know the reason for cough. Try to reduce cough. Take medication if necessary. Along with this, try all the measures existing here. Believe cough will make you feel better

Cough is also known as Tussis, which is a reflex that suddenly affects humans. Its purpose is to clean external microbes from burning microbes, burning fluid and mucus in our respiratory hose and throat. It expels the air from the lungs rapidly. Cough may be intentionally or without desire. Although cough is a sign of a serious illness, in most of the cases of cough, it is not necessary to take medicines as the cough is usually cured on its own.
What is cough
 There are three main stages of cough
 Increased pressure in the throat and lungs when the covalent cords are closed.
 When the opening of the vowel system, the exit of the air faster than the mouth gives special signals for cough.
If someone is suffering from coughing too much then it can be a sign of a disease. Most cough is caused by infected diseases like normal cold cold. Cough infections can happen without diseases.
Usually cough pollution Gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD suffocation chronic bronchitis Asthma tumor heart attack in the lungs Some medicines like ACE inhibitors post nasal drip and smoking due to all these conditions Expands.
 The doctors pay attention to the cause of cough for the treatment of cough. For example, if caused by ACE inhibitors, it can be closed. People who use caudine dextromethorphan and other coughs often use drugs during cough. Although there is not much research on cough medicines, how much can it reduce the symptoms of cough.
Types of Cough - Types of Cough
 Cough Symptoms - Cough Symptoms
 Cough Causes - Cough Causes
 Cough Remedies - Prevention of Cough
 Cough Testing - Diagnosis of Cough
 Cough Treatment - Cough Treatment
 Ayurvedic medicine and cure of cough
Coughing is not an indicator of these big problems.
What to do if you get cough, you are constantly coughing in the night;
 What should not be eaten in cough and refuse cough medication - Medicines for Cough
Cough medicine - OTC Medicines for

Types of cough Types of Cough
 Acute cough type of cough - This cough is sudden and its effect remains for 3 weeks.
Common cough (subacute cough) - This cough persists for 3 to 8 weeks.
Chronic cough - The effect of this cough remains for 8 weeks.
 Productive cough - This cough spit and mucus emanates.
Dry cough - This cough keeps the mouth dry. There is no sputum or mucus in it.
 Night cough (nocturnal cough) - This type of cough occurs only at night.
 Cough Symptoms - Cough Symptoms Symptoms of Cough and Signs Both signs and symptoms of cough depend on the cause of cough. There may be different symptoms of cough for various reasons, but the symptoms of many cases are normal (such as in case of chronic cough).
 1. Symptoms of Acute Cough Symptoms and signs of this cough are given below. Acute cough is divided into two infectious and non-infectious causes. Signs of a fast cough that indicate any infection - fever chills, bad breath, nausea in the throat, headache, headache, pressure in sinus, nasal seeping, sweating in the night, and postnasal Drip etc. Sometimes they exhibit the presence of mucus and cough infection, but they also show non-infectious causes.
2. The symptoms of this cough, which point to any non-communicable cause, are as follows - When a person goes to an airplane where there is a chemical or respiratory substance and the cough starts to cough, The sign of the uncontrollable cause is indicated. Agar cough can be reduced by using medicines such as inhalers or allergies, it is also a sign of non-communicable cause.

 Chronic cough symptoms
The diagnosis of chronic cough and symptoms can be extremely difficult for the doctor, because the symptoms and signs of several causes of chronic cough are the same.
1. If cough is caused by stimulants in the environment, then it can increase when you come in contact with offending or bad factors. If a person is allergic to any substance in the environment then cough can be improved by eating allergic medicines.
2. If cough is due to smoking then cough can be improved by reducing smoking and if coughing is done then cough may increase further.
3. If a person has a long history of lung like asthma or chronic bronchitis, contact of some places or activities for him may increase their symptoms. Such a cough does not necessarily mean that the cough also came with Balgam.
4. If cough is due to the long-running sinus infection due to the flow of the nose or post nasal drip (moving towards the back of the throat), then the symptoms of these diseases are also seen in the person. Cough develops as the problem of these diseases increases and cough also results in relief from cough.
5. If someone is taking medicines such as "Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors", then cough may start on those medicines or it may occur during the use of those medicines. When these medicines are stopped, the cough gets cured automatically.
6. The cough is related to gastroesophageal reflux disease, there is aksar chest burning in it. During this type of cough, ya, when we are lying on the back, it gets accelerated. Some people of gastroesophageal reflux disease patients do not see signs of reflex but they may still cause cough. However, most of these people feel better in their cough when they are treated for gastroesophageal reflux disease.
7. If cough is getting early warning signs of cancer in a person, then that person may have many symptoms simultaneously. If a person has cancer of the lungs, then that person can get blood during cough. Apart from this, there are some other signs or signs which can be felt when they are cancerous: Tiredness reduces hunger, losing weight, and not finding any concrete reason for it, decreasing the ability to swallow solids or liquids.

Due to Cough - Cough Causes Causes Cough
Most coughs are caused by viruses and are cured without treatment.
 Due to acute cough
 Most of these infections in cough affect the upper respiratory tract and throat. It is also known as "Upper Respiratory Tract Infection". Example: flu common lymphitis (layrngitis) etc. If we have "Lower Respiratory Tract Infection LRTI" then our respiratory tract and lung infection. For example - Bronchitis and pneumonia etc. are included. (Read more - These foods are good for keeping the lungs healthy; Cough may also be caused by Hay Fever or fever.

Due to chronic cough (coughing for a long time)
They have been divided into five parts to detect the cause of chronic cough -
1. Trouble with some things present in the environment
2. Problems related to the lungs
3. Difficulties in the pathway from the lungs to the atmosphere from the lungs
4. Problem of cavity inside the chest outside the lungs
5. Digestive causes.

The causes of chronic cough are as follows:
1. Smoking
2. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease GERD
3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease% 3B COPD)
4. Asthma
5. Some medications such as "angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors") Any other substance that causes us trouble if they are in the air and in our lungs continuously after breathing, Chronic cough may occur. Cigarette smoke is the most common cause of chronic cough. Dust pet Russian small particle industrial chemical pollution Cigarette and pipe smoke can also cause chronic cough due to all of these. Chronic cough in children is often due to asthma. In addition, gastroesophageal reflux disease can also cause children to cough. Tuberculosis (Tuberculosis) lung cancer or fungal infections can also be caused by chronic cough, but this is very rare.

 Cough Remedies - Prevention of Cough
How To Prevent Cough For Prevention of Cough, we can avoid those who have the risk of coughing. However there is no definite way to stop cough. Some ways to reduce the risk of coughing are as follows:
1. Wash hands frequently during the flu and cold weather, which prevents the virus from spreading which are caused by cold and influenza.
2. Avoid as much as possible as people who are infected with influenza and cold.
3. Do not smoke and do not consume any type of tobacco product. During coughing, smoking often causes irritation in our lungs.
4. Take special care of it at both the home and work place. If someone smokes, do not stay close to him while smoking, because the other person is equally affected.
5. Drink plenty of fluid because it helps to dilate the mucus in our throat. At the same time, it maintains the amount of water in our body.
6. Apply Influenza Vaccine (Flu Vaccine) every year.
7. If you are over 65 or have long been suffering from fever related illness such as Asthma Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD, then apply Pneumococcal Vaccine. If you smoke or have any risks related to health, then the severity of symptoms of your cough may increase further in these situations.
8. Make sure that if your immune system is strong at present or if our immune system is strong then we can reduce the risk of cough cough or black cough.
9. To prevent diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD, make the patient change his diet. Sleep on the upper and higher sides of the bed and sleep and prescribe all medicines as prescribed.
10. If a person is taking medicines for long term afflictions, then the best way to protect him is to follow the rules set by the doctor. (Read more - These foods are good for keeping the lungs healthy)

Cough test - Diagnosis of Cough in Hindi
Cough diagnosis
 If the doctor tells you that cough is due to normal cold or flu, then in this situation, you should relax and consume excessive fluid and continue for some days. In most cases, such cough recovers from 1 to 2 weeks.
 If cough is caused by viral infection then this cough can last for more than 2 weeks. Be sure to show the doctor for this type of cough.
 Doctor may suggest some tests for diagnostics such as chest X-ray can send your mucus sample to the laboratory to find out what is the cause of infection.
Perhaps doctors can advise the patient to visit the respiratory specialist.
Cough Treatment - Cough Treatment
When it comes to cough, it is important to consult a doctor if cough is continuously continuous for 3 weeks without any improvement in a person. In this situation, you should consult the doctor. In most cases cough is not a serious problem. However, in some rare cases, long-standing cough may be a symptom of diseases such as lung cancer or heart failure. Other causes of consultation with the doctor include ninomasis - increased cough, swelling and tingling around the neck. Weight phenomenon, severe coughing, bleeding with cough, trouble breathing, chest pain fever The cure for cough is not the best way to cure. The best way to cure viral infection is to leave it on the immune system. This type of cough is usually cured automatically. According to the "National Health Service United Kingdom" in England, honey and lemon are a good cure for cough - even better than many cough OTC drugs (without prescription medication). The main purpose of treatment or cure for cough is to make the patient feel better. In general, cough time can not be reduced. Here are some treatments for cough:
Honey - This creates a layer on the throat, which reduces burning sensation and cough in the throat. Honey is a relief drug.

Cough medicines - Some symptoms of cough can help medicines such as fever or nasal closure. Although it is not proven that it should be said that taking cough medicines will cure cough in a very short time. Before giving the OTC medication (OTC) to the young children, consult the doctor. There are also elements in cough medicines which are not safe for young children.
Cough-reducing medicines - Coughing medicines are only for the treatment of dry cough. For example, pholcodine (dextromethorphan) and antihistamine (antihistamine) etc. Cuff disinfectant - During this cough, the trachea helps in removing sputum from bronchi and lungs. For example, Guaifenesin, which dilutes the sputum and also receives smoothness of our breathing hose, which helps in getting rid of sputum through the airway.



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