Infertility in women-Treatment of infertility
Infertility in women-Treatment of infertility
Being a mother in the lives of women is considered to be the greatest happiness, but nowadays due to the modern lifestyle and other reasons, the problem of infertility is increasing in women now. If you are a victim of infertility or want to avoid it, then let's know about the symptoms and treatment due to it. Infertility is a condition in which women can not conceive. If a woman is unable to conceive for more than 12 months even after attempts, then it means that she is a victim of infertility. Significantly, the reason for not getting pregnancy can be male infertility. Some women are not able to persevere after marriage, then some women get pregnant for a second time after giving birth to a baby. In this way infertility is of two types. Fertility in men depends on the quality and number of their sperm. If there is a decrease in the number of male sperm in the erectation during intercourse or the weakness of the sperm, then its female partner in this situation fails to conceive. According to World Health Organization estimates, the number of women with infertility in India is between 9% and 16.8%. The state of infertility in different states is different in every state like Uttar Pradesh 3.7% in Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh and 5% in Kashmir and 15% of women suffer from infertility.
Symptoms of Infertility in Women -
Female Inertility Symptoms Inability to conceive in the long term is the most common symptom of infertility. If a woman has a menstrual cycle of 35 days or more then it can be a symptom of infertility. Apart from this, menstruation of menstruation or 21 days before birth is called an irregular menstruation which can lead to infertility. Unfaithful hair on the face or head hair fall may also be due to infertility in women.
Female infertility due to infertility in women-
Fallopian tube transports eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, where the embryo develops. Pelvic infection or surgery may cause fallopian tubes to be damaged, causing sperm to reach the eggs and this results in infertility in women. Infertility can also be due to hormonal imbalances in women's body. In the absence of normal hormonal changes in the body, eggs can not get out from the ovaries. Abnormal structure of the uterus can cause infertility due to polyps or fibroids. Stress is also a major cause of infertility in women. Overy of women ceases to work after the age of 40 years. If ovari of a woman stops working before this age, then it may cause chemotherapy or radiation due to any illness surgery. Due to PCOS disease, most of the women today are being victim of infertility. In this disease, the fallopian tube becomes syst, due to which women can not conceive.
Infertility in women-
To prevent infertility in women, it is essential to improve lifestyle in order to avoid infertility. Here are some simple tips that can be avoided by infertility. Eat a balanced diet It is very important to have proper diet to remove infertility. Include nutrients such as zinc nitric oxide and vitamin C and vitamin E in your diet. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Fertility increases with asparagus and broccoli. Also eat almonds like almond date figs. You should eat at least 5-6 dates or raisins daily. Add dairy products garlic cinnamon cardamom to your diet. Eat sunflowers seeds Drink fresh juice of grapefruit and orange. Fertility power also increases with full fat yogurt and ice cream. Women who want to increase their fertility power should include tomato pulses beans and avocado in their diet. Folic acid and Vitamin B are abundant in pomegranate. Women should take pomegranate to increase fertility. Eat eggs for Vitamin D and eat omega 3 fatty foods containing fatty acids. Eat a banana daily to increase your chances of persisting. Ashwagandha maintains the balance of hormones in the body and promotes proper functioning of reproductive organs. Due to repeated abortions, Ashwagandha helps in making the loose uterus properly and shaping it. Women must also include cinnamon in their diet. Exercise Semicircusan This posture should be done for those women who are unable to attain children. By doing this yoga, the blood circulation becomes better in the muscles of all the organs of the body, and all the glands are able to secrete hormones better. Balasan is very beneficial for Balasan uterus. This posture puts pressure on the uterus, so that its inefficiencies are dispelled. In this way Balasan increases the likelihood of conceiving. Boating can be done by overweight women too. This posture also puts pressure on the uterus, which eliminates the problems of pregnancy. Stay away from these foods Smoking and alcohol are the main reasons for infertility, so stay away from them. Avoid refined carbohydrate such as oily diet and white brad. Reduce preservatives food caffeine and meat intake. Fry fries french fries and eat lots of sweet things. Apart from this, do not drink cold drinks or other drinks too. Drink coffee and tea too low as it contains high amount of caffeine, which has a bad effect on fertility. Leave these habits, do not take oily and spicy food in the days of menstruation. Do not eat marijuana or cocaine. Smoking reduces the supply of Overy and age of eggs. Smoking also damages the fallopian tubes and servixes, thereby increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy or abortion. So do not drink cigarettes at all. Do not consume alcohol. Ovulation disorders can occur in women consuming alcohol before pregnancy, so stay away from alcohol. If your weight is too high or low, then balance it too. Women with infertility should balance their weight. The main cause of infertility in the modern era is stress. Staying away from stress can prevent the problem of infertility. To get mental peace, do pranayama everyday
Investigation of infertility in women-
If a woman is not able to conceive for a long time, then she should conduct the following inquiry on the instructions of the doctor. Ovulation test can test ovulation at home only from the kit. Hormonal test lunting hormones and progesterone hormone screening can also detect infertility. The level of the luteinizing hormone increases before the ovulation, whereas the progesterone hormone is produced after the production of the hormone. The test of these two hormones shows that the ovulation is happening or not. Apart from this, levels of prolactin hormones are also examined. Hysterosol pingography This is an X-ray test. This can be seen in the uterine fallopian tube and the surrounding area. In the X-ray report, any injury or abnormality to the uterus or fallopian tube can be seen. It can also see the obstruction of egg from the fallopian tube to the uterus. The Ovarian reserve test helps to check the quality and quantity of eggs available for ovulation. Women who have the risk of falling eggs, such as women over 35 years of age, blood and imaging test can be used for them. In addition to testing the thyroid and pituitary hormones, along with the level of ovulatory hormone that regulates reproductive processes, thyroid and pituitary hormones are also examined. Imaging test consists of pelvic ultrasound that can be used to examine any disease in the uterus or fallopian tube
Treatment of infertility (decrease in fertility)-
Treatment for Infertility Treatment in Women - Infertility Treatment in Women Since infertility is a complicated disorder, Dr. Narula says that "due to its infertility treatment, the age problem is due to its And depends on personal preferences. Financial physiological and psychological status is important in treating infertility. "Let's know what options do you have, medicines to remove infertility are treated with medicines in case of pregnancy due to ovulation disorder. These drugs work like natural hormones follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH). Ovulation is triggered by these drugs. Modern techniques used to increase fertility is among the most commonly used methods - Intrauterine insemination (IUI) - During the IUI, millions of healthy sperms are kept at the time of ovulation inside the uterus. IVF - In this process, egg cells are fertilized out of the womb and fertilized with male sperm. This whole process is inside the incubator and this whole process takes about three days. After sufficient development of the embryo, it is returned to the womb of the woman. The woman is advised to rest for 12 to 15 days of this process. Surgery Many surgical procedures can improve infertility or improve female reproductive capacity. However, in the treatment of infertility, the above mentioned new methods have come up, due to which the surgery is greatly reduced. Laparoscopic or histroscopic surgery can be done to improve the chances of conception. Apart from this, tubal surgery can also be done when the fallopian tube is blocked.
Being a mother in the lives of women is considered to be the greatest happiness, but nowadays due to the modern lifestyle and other reasons, the problem of infertility is increasing in women now. If you are a victim of infertility or want to avoid it, then let's know about the symptoms and treatment due to it. Infertility is a condition in which women can not conceive. If a woman is unable to conceive for more than 12 months even after attempts, then it means that she is a victim of infertility. Significantly, the reason for not getting pregnancy can be male infertility. Some women are not able to persevere after marriage, then some women get pregnant for a second time after giving birth to a baby. In this way infertility is of two types. Fertility in men depends on the quality and number of their sperm. If there is a decrease in the number of male sperm in the erectation during intercourse or the weakness of the sperm, then its female partner in this situation fails to conceive. According to World Health Organization estimates, the number of women with infertility in India is between 9% and 16.8%. The state of infertility in different states is different in every state like Uttar Pradesh 3.7% in Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh and 5% in Kashmir and 15% of women suffer from infertility.
Symptoms of Infertility in Women -
Female Inertility Symptoms Inability to conceive in the long term is the most common symptom of infertility. If a woman has a menstrual cycle of 35 days or more then it can be a symptom of infertility. Apart from this, menstruation of menstruation or 21 days before birth is called an irregular menstruation which can lead to infertility. Unfaithful hair on the face or head hair fall may also be due to infertility in women.
Female infertility due to infertility in women-
Fallopian tube transports eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, where the embryo develops. Pelvic infection or surgery may cause fallopian tubes to be damaged, causing sperm to reach the eggs and this results in infertility in women. Infertility can also be due to hormonal imbalances in women's body. In the absence of normal hormonal changes in the body, eggs can not get out from the ovaries. Abnormal structure of the uterus can cause infertility due to polyps or fibroids. Stress is also a major cause of infertility in women. Overy of women ceases to work after the age of 40 years. If ovari of a woman stops working before this age, then it may cause chemotherapy or radiation due to any illness surgery. Due to PCOS disease, most of the women today are being victim of infertility. In this disease, the fallopian tube becomes syst, due to which women can not conceive.
Infertility in women-
To prevent infertility in women, it is essential to improve lifestyle in order to avoid infertility. Here are some simple tips that can be avoided by infertility. Eat a balanced diet It is very important to have proper diet to remove infertility. Include nutrients such as zinc nitric oxide and vitamin C and vitamin E in your diet. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Fertility increases with asparagus and broccoli. Also eat almonds like almond date figs. You should eat at least 5-6 dates or raisins daily. Add dairy products garlic cinnamon cardamom to your diet. Eat sunflowers seeds Drink fresh juice of grapefruit and orange. Fertility power also increases with full fat yogurt and ice cream. Women who want to increase their fertility power should include tomato pulses beans and avocado in their diet. Folic acid and Vitamin B are abundant in pomegranate. Women should take pomegranate to increase fertility. Eat eggs for Vitamin D and eat omega 3 fatty foods containing fatty acids. Eat a banana daily to increase your chances of persisting. Ashwagandha maintains the balance of hormones in the body and promotes proper functioning of reproductive organs. Due to repeated abortions, Ashwagandha helps in making the loose uterus properly and shaping it. Women must also include cinnamon in their diet. Exercise Semicircusan This posture should be done for those women who are unable to attain children. By doing this yoga, the blood circulation becomes better in the muscles of all the organs of the body, and all the glands are able to secrete hormones better. Balasan is very beneficial for Balasan uterus. This posture puts pressure on the uterus, so that its inefficiencies are dispelled. In this way Balasan increases the likelihood of conceiving. Boating can be done by overweight women too. This posture also puts pressure on the uterus, which eliminates the problems of pregnancy. Stay away from these foods Smoking and alcohol are the main reasons for infertility, so stay away from them. Avoid refined carbohydrate such as oily diet and white brad. Reduce preservatives food caffeine and meat intake. Fry fries french fries and eat lots of sweet things. Apart from this, do not drink cold drinks or other drinks too. Drink coffee and tea too low as it contains high amount of caffeine, which has a bad effect on fertility. Leave these habits, do not take oily and spicy food in the days of menstruation. Do not eat marijuana or cocaine. Smoking reduces the supply of Overy and age of eggs. Smoking also damages the fallopian tubes and servixes, thereby increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy or abortion. So do not drink cigarettes at all. Do not consume alcohol. Ovulation disorders can occur in women consuming alcohol before pregnancy, so stay away from alcohol. If your weight is too high or low, then balance it too. Women with infertility should balance their weight. The main cause of infertility in the modern era is stress. Staying away from stress can prevent the problem of infertility. To get mental peace, do pranayama everyday
Investigation of infertility in women-
If a woman is not able to conceive for a long time, then she should conduct the following inquiry on the instructions of the doctor. Ovulation test can test ovulation at home only from the kit. Hormonal test lunting hormones and progesterone hormone screening can also detect infertility. The level of the luteinizing hormone increases before the ovulation, whereas the progesterone hormone is produced after the production of the hormone. The test of these two hormones shows that the ovulation is happening or not. Apart from this, levels of prolactin hormones are also examined. Hysterosol pingography This is an X-ray test. This can be seen in the uterine fallopian tube and the surrounding area. In the X-ray report, any injury or abnormality to the uterus or fallopian tube can be seen. It can also see the obstruction of egg from the fallopian tube to the uterus. The Ovarian reserve test helps to check the quality and quantity of eggs available for ovulation. Women who have the risk of falling eggs, such as women over 35 years of age, blood and imaging test can be used for them. In addition to testing the thyroid and pituitary hormones, along with the level of ovulatory hormone that regulates reproductive processes, thyroid and pituitary hormones are also examined. Imaging test consists of pelvic ultrasound that can be used to examine any disease in the uterus or fallopian tube
Treatment of infertility (decrease in fertility)-
Treatment for Infertility Treatment in Women - Infertility Treatment in Women Since infertility is a complicated disorder, Dr. Narula says that "due to its infertility treatment, the age problem is due to its And depends on personal preferences. Financial physiological and psychological status is important in treating infertility. "Let's know what options do you have, medicines to remove infertility are treated with medicines in case of pregnancy due to ovulation disorder. These drugs work like natural hormones follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH). Ovulation is triggered by these drugs. Modern techniques used to increase fertility is among the most commonly used methods - Intrauterine insemination (IUI) - During the IUI, millions of healthy sperms are kept at the time of ovulation inside the uterus. IVF - In this process, egg cells are fertilized out of the womb and fertilized with male sperm. This whole process is inside the incubator and this whole process takes about three days. After sufficient development of the embryo, it is returned to the womb of the woman. The woman is advised to rest for 12 to 15 days of this process. Surgery Many surgical procedures can improve infertility or improve female reproductive capacity. However, in the treatment of infertility, the above mentioned new methods have come up, due to which the surgery is greatly reduced. Laparoscopic or histroscopic surgery can be done to improve the chances of conception. Apart from this, tubal surgery can also be done when the fallopian tube is blocked.
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