Vaginitis , education,Symptoms,deficiency,Treatment,swelling
Vaginitis - education
Vaginal inflammation is called vajnitis, which results in vaginal discharge in the vagina, itching and vaginal pain. The reason for this is usually the general balance of vaginal bacteria changes. Apart from this, due to lack of levels of estrogen hormone after menopause, there may be a problem of Vaginitis. The most common types of vaginitis are the following
Bacterial vaginosis (Bacterial infection in the vagina) is caused by the overgrowth of bacteria present in your vagina.
Yeast infections are usually caused by naturally occurring yeast, which is called Candida albicans.
Trichomoniasis is caused by unicellular protozoa, and usually occurs by intercourse from one person to another.
Vaginal atrophy or vaginal atrophy is caused by low level of estrogen hormone after menopause.
It depends on the type of venereal disease you have.
(Read more - Information about vagina)
Vaginal inflammation is called vajnitis, which results in vaginal discharge in the vagina, itching and vaginal pain. The reason for this is usually the general balance of vaginal bacteria changes. Apart from this, due to lack of levels of estrogen hormone after menopause, there may be a problem of Vaginitis. The most common types of vaginitis are the following
Bacterial vaginosis (Bacterial infection in the vagina) is caused by the overgrowth of bacteria present in your vagina.
Yeast infections are usually caused by naturally occurring yeast, which is called Candida albicans.
Trichomoniasis is caused by unicellular protozoa, and usually occurs by intercourse from one person to another.
Vaginal atrophy or vaginal atrophy is caused by low level of estrogen hormone after menopause.
It depends on the type of venereal disease you have.
(Read more - Information about vagina)
- Symptoms of Vaginitis
- Due to vaginitis -
- Vaginal deficiency
- Treatment of vaginitis
- Home remedies for swelling in the vagina
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