9 BEST Exercises for Bigger Forearms - 9 BEST Exercises for Bigger Forearms
9 BEST Exercises for Bigger Forearms -
9 BEST Exercises for Bigger Forearms |
starting on the outside of your forearm
you have a group of extensor muscles
that help extend your hands outward as
well as side-to-side and they're also
highly involved in moving your fingers
in all different directions as we circle
around the inside of the forearm we find
the muscles responsible for flexion of
the wrist and the fingers which
primarily help you curl your hands and
fingers inward going a little deeper we
find our pronator and our supinator
muscles responsible for rotating and
turning the hand in and out finally we
have one of the larger muscles of the
the brachioradialis and this muscle is
more involved with flexing at the elbow
and moving the entire forearm rather
than just the hand this complex group of
muscles is what gives us the ability to
move our hands and our fingers in all
different directions and our forum
muscles are involved in almost every
single upper body exercise ranging from
pull-ups to lateral raises and they're
even involved in certain lower body
exercises like deadlifts and lunges so
by building them up not only will it
help you develop important functions
like your grip strength but your
forearms will also grow in size which
will help your arms look bigger and
fuller even while wearing a shirt so
today I want to go over nine of the best
exercises you can do to target and
develop your forearms and I want to
start first with one of my favorite
isolation exercises for working the
inside of your forearm the kneeling
barbell wrist curl to begin you would
grab a barbell with your hands about
shoulder width apart and your palms
facing up then kneel down on the ground
and position your forearms towards the
end of the bench so that your wrists are
hanging off the edge your shoulders
should be nice and low so that your
elbows are able to stay planted on the
bench from that position you almost want
to imagine that you're doing bicep curls
except instead of flexing at the elbows
we're now flexing at the wrists so
extend your wrists to lower the weight
down and then simply curl your wrist
back to bring the weight back up
additionally since your forearm muscles
are responsible for flexing your fingers
when lowering down you can allow the
barbell to roll all the way down into
your fingertips before curling it all
the way back up
besides incorporating more forearm
muscles doing it this way will also give
you a better stretch at the bottom and
will provide you with a slightly greater
range of motion now you can do the same
exact exercise by using just
one dumbbell to work one form at a time
instead of both at the same time like
you would with the barbell this can be
especially useful for those of you that
feel a lot of pressure in your wrists
when doing it with the straight barbell
since the dumbbells are not connected
you'll have a slightly freer range of
motion which will take some of that
tension off of the wrists another great
way to isolate the inside of your
forearm with a barbell is by performing
the wrist curls standing straight up I
find it most effective to do these
behind your back so to set this up you
would rack a barbell a little lower than
hip level then turn your back to the
barbell and turn your hands over so that
your knuckles are facing forward and
palms are facing the barbell from there
unrack the barbell and take a step
backwards then just like before you're
gonna curl your wrists all the way up
before lowering back down and repeating
four reps when doing its standing you'll
get a little bit of a shorter range of
motion since you won't be able to
hyperextend your wrist as far on the
extension however this is still a very
effective exercise to target the inner
part of the forearm and a great
alternative to mix into your routine is
to perform the same exercise with a
cable using the cable will provide a
slightly different constant form of
tension on your inner forms with that
said that inner part of the forearm gets
plenty of work just by doing exercises
like pull-ups and especially bicep curls
in fact the inner form is highly
involved in all of your bicep curling
movements because your forearm flexors
need to stabilize the wrist when
performing regular curls but the part of
the forearm that doesn't get as much
attention is the back part or the
outside of the forearm and one of my
favorite ways to isolate this part of
the forum is with a wrist roller so to
begin you would unwind the rope so that
it's hanging straight down and then you
would attach a weight to the bottom of
the wrist roller then while keeping your
elbows bent locked at your sides and
while holding your arms close to your
body you would curl one wrist up at a
time switching from side to side to
slowly wrap the rope around the bar and
raise the weight up to your hands once
you get the weight up to the top you
want to make sure that you avoid making
the common mistake of just loosening
your grip and letting the rope
roll back down to the floor this is
because as I'm sure you know the
negative or the eccentric portion of a
contraction is the part of the movement
that breaks down the muscle the most so
you want to slowly unwind the rope the
same way that you wounded up alternating
from one hand to the other until it's
all the way at the bottom another common
mistake that you want to avoid while
doing this exercise is holding your arms
straight out in front of your body in a
frontal raised position while this isn't
necessarily bad for you it's not as
effective for your forearms because
after about 30 seconds your shoulders
are gonna start feeling a lot of fatigue
limiting the amount of rounds that you
can roll the weight up and down due to
shoulder fatigue rather than forearm
fatigue now just as a side note keep in
mind that you can always use this
exercise to work the inside of your
forearms and you can do that one of two
ways the first way is by turning your
hands over and holding your arms bent at
a 90 degree angle then you would just
alternate curling one wrist up at a time
the second way is to keep your hands in
the same position as before except
instead of curling your knuckles up
towards you you would now curl them
downward and alternate from side to side
that way all three of these exercise
variations are excellent at hitting the
forearms I recommend doing 3 to 4 sets
of 3 to 5 rounds per set depending on
how much weight you're using and by the
way when I say around I'm talking about
fully winding the weight up and
unwinding it all the way down I would
count as one complete round another
great exercise to target your outer
forms is the reverse wrist curl these
are very similar to the ones that we
were doing earlier and we can use the
bench just like before but this time we
would just simply curl the barbell up
with our knuckles up rather than down
but since the muscles on the outside of
our forearms will typically be a little
weaker than the muscles on the inside of
the forearms the bar itself might be a
little too heavy for some of you to
perform reverse wrist curls with so if
you can't do it with a barbell grab a
dumbbell and take a seat on the bench
then place your forearm along your thigh
towards the end so that your wrist is
once again hanging off the edge then
simply lower the dumbbell to get a nice
stretch and then curl your wrist up by
trying to drive your knuckles towards
the ceiling then lower back down and
repeat for reps placing your forearms
over your knees in
set up over the bench is actually a
variation that you can do to target the
inside as well as the outside of your
forearms next I want to move on to to
compound exercises for your forearms
starting first with hammer curls anytime
that you have your hand turned over in a
neutral or a pronated position you'll be
able to incorporate a lot more of your
forearm into the movement specifically
hammer curls really help to target that
large forearm muscle that I was talking
about earlier known as the
brachioradialis so to start this one
you'll first want to grab two dumbbells
and hold them in a neutral position
then you're gonna curl one dumbbell up
until your forearm is almost vertical
and your thumb will be pointing towards
your shoulder after that you'll just
slowly lower the dumbbell back down to
the original starting position and
switch to the other side alternating
back and forth for reps now you can do
the seated or standing both can be very
effective but you do want to make sure
that you avoid some very common mistakes
first of all make sure that you're not
swinging back and forth using momentum
until the last one or two reps also make
sure that you keep your elbows pinned to
your sides and don't allow them to flare
out away from your ribs or to flare in
front of your body now an alternative
you can do that still considered a
hammer curl is the cross body hammer
curl pretty much everything else would
stay exactly the same the only
difference is that now you're going to
be coming across your body and instead
of aiming to bring the dumbbell up to
your shoulder you're going to be aiming
to bring it up to your opposite PEC
before switching sides and alternating
for reps another compound exercise to
target your form is the reverse grip EZ
bar curl now this one can be done a
number of different ways you can use an
EZ bar a regular straight barbell cables
and you can even use a bench set at an
incline angle that you would lean
against for an exercise known as spider
curls but the core concept for all these
exercises is the same you would grab the
bar with an overhand grip so your palms
will be facing down and your knuckles
will be facing up then you would curl
the weight up towards your shoulders and
slowly lower back down before repeating
for reps again while doing this make
sure you keep those elbows at your sides
and don't let them flare forward or
outward the only exception is with
spider curls since obviously your elbows
will not be directly at your
but instead they'll be in front of your
body due to the angle that you'll be
performing the exercise from moving on
for the last few exercises I want to
show you guys not only how to build up
your forearms but also how to highly
strengthen your grip and the first way
to do that is with the plate pinch you
would do this one by simply taking two
weighted plates five or ten pound plates
are great to start with then you would
stack them side-by-side so that the
smooth sides of the plates are facing
outward and from there you would just
hold these two plates sandwich together
in your hands for 45 to 90 seconds or
until you hit failure and just can't
hold them anymore if you can hold it for
longer than 90 seconds you can of course
go for a longer time frame but I
recommend moving up and weight instead
and you can do that by either stacking a
third 10-pound plate on to the other two
or you can take two 25 pound plates and
hold those two together just keep in
mind going from 10 pound plates to 25 s
is a pretty big jump another great
exercise for grip and building up the
forearm is the good old farmer walk this
one's pretty straightforward you grab
some really heavy dumbbells or a trap
bar loaded with some really heavy weight
and you simply walk now that might sound
easy but it will absolutely exhaust not
only your grip strength but many other
upper body muscles including your biceps
shoulders and traps again here just 45
to 90 seconds of walking with a heavy
weight load will provide an excellent
challenge the last exercise that will
help your grip as well as your forearms
will require the use of grippers you can
buy a bunch of different grippers by
going with a brand like captain czuv
crush where each gripper will provide
its own resistance level ranging from a
light amount of resistance to a very
heavy amount of resistance so you can
progressively work your way on up this
was the go-to way to strengthen your
grip over many years but nowadays there
are products that allow you to adjust
the resistance level so you can have a
light medium and heavy resistance level
all in one gripper but regardless of
which you go with the exercises perform
the same exact way you would simply try
to crush the gripper and squeeze as hard
as you can before slowly opening your
hand to return back to the starting
position then you would just repeat that
for reps now other than all of these
exercises you can also use certain
accessories to help in core
more of your forearms and your grip
strength into your workouts for example
you can use thicker barbells if you have
access to them or you can buy what are
known as fat grips to make it more
challenging to grip and hold weights
whether you're doing rows farmer walks
or curls additionally with the fat grips
you can use them on a lot of different
equipment other than just dumbbells and
barbells for example you can even use
them on the pull-up bar
and speaking of pull-ups another
accessory that you can use to strengthen
your grip is what's known as the
cannonball grip you would attach these
cannonballs to a pull-up bar and perform
pull-ups that way that about wraps it up
guys I really hope that you enjoyed this
video and that you got at least a few
new ideas on how to challenge and
develop your forearms as well as your
grip strength to help those forums grow
bigger wider and stronger I recommend
taking a few of these exercises and
throwing them in at the end of your
bicep training workouts to further
stimulate the forearms remember to
subscribe to the channel and hit that
Bell icon and also if you're looking for
a done-for-you program that'll help you
develop not only your forearms but other
muscles in your body like your chest
back shoulders and legs and you want to
skip all that trial and error just visit
my website where we have challenges
designed to help you achieve your body
transformation goals whether that be
building muscle or burning fat you'll
get a customizable meal plan that will
change as your metabolism adapts and
changes throughout the entire program
you'll also get a full workout plan with
a full video exercise library so you're
never left confused as well as a recipe
book and an accountability coach that'll
be there to guide you through the entire
process and much much more to find out
more you can click the link below in the
description or you can visit my website
directly at gravity transformation calm
I'll see you guys soon
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how to build big forearms
get huge forearms
you have a group of extensor muscles
that help extend your hands outward as
well as side-to-side and they're also
highly involved in moving your fingers
in all different directions as we circle
around the inside of the forearm we find
the muscles responsible for flexion of
the wrist and the fingers which
primarily help you curl your hands and
fingers inward going a little deeper we
find our pronator and our supinator
muscles responsible for rotating and
turning the hand in and out finally we
have one of the larger muscles of the
the brachioradialis and this muscle is
more involved with flexing at the elbow
and moving the entire forearm rather
than just the hand this complex group of
muscles is what gives us the ability to
move our hands and our fingers in all
different directions and our forum
muscles are involved in almost every
single upper body exercise ranging from
pull-ups to lateral raises and they're
even involved in certain lower body
exercises like deadlifts and lunges so
by building them up not only will it
help you develop important functions
like your grip strength but your
forearms will also grow in size which
will help your arms look bigger and
fuller even while wearing a shirt so
today I want to go over nine of the best
exercises you can do to target and
develop your forearms and I want to
start first with one of my favorite
isolation exercises for working the
inside of your forearm the kneeling
barbell wrist curl to begin you would
grab a barbell with your hands about
shoulder width apart and your palms
facing up then kneel down on the ground
and position your forearms towards the
end of the bench so that your wrists are
hanging off the edge your shoulders
should be nice and low so that your
elbows are able to stay planted on the
bench from that position you almost want
to imagine that you're doing bicep curls
except instead of flexing at the elbows
we're now flexing at the wrists so
extend your wrists to lower the weight
down and then simply curl your wrist
back to bring the weight back up
additionally since your forearm muscles
are responsible for flexing your fingers
when lowering down you can allow the
barbell to roll all the way down into
your fingertips before curling it all
the way back up
besides incorporating more forearm
muscles doing it this way will also give
you a better stretch at the bottom and
will provide you with a slightly greater
range of motion now you can do the same
exact exercise by using just
one dumbbell to work one form at a time
instead of both at the same time like
you would with the barbell this can be
especially useful for those of you that
feel a lot of pressure in your wrists
when doing it with the straight barbell
since the dumbbells are not connected
you'll have a slightly freer range of
motion which will take some of that
tension off of the wrists another great
way to isolate the inside of your
forearm with a barbell is by performing
the wrist curls standing straight up I
find it most effective to do these
behind your back so to set this up you
would rack a barbell a little lower than
hip level then turn your back to the
barbell and turn your hands over so that
your knuckles are facing forward and
palms are facing the barbell from there
unrack the barbell and take a step
backwards then just like before you're
gonna curl your wrists all the way up
before lowering back down and repeating
four reps when doing its standing you'll
get a little bit of a shorter range of
motion since you won't be able to
hyperextend your wrist as far on the
extension however this is still a very
effective exercise to target the inner
part of the forearm and a great
alternative to mix into your routine is
to perform the same exercise with a
cable using the cable will provide a
slightly different constant form of
tension on your inner forms with that
said that inner part of the forearm gets
plenty of work just by doing exercises
like pull-ups and especially bicep curls
in fact the inner form is highly
involved in all of your bicep curling
movements because your forearm flexors
need to stabilize the wrist when
performing regular curls but the part of
the forearm that doesn't get as much
attention is the back part or the
outside of the forearm and one of my
favorite ways to isolate this part of
the forum is with a wrist roller so to
begin you would unwind the rope so that
it's hanging straight down and then you
would attach a weight to the bottom of
the wrist roller then while keeping your
elbows bent locked at your sides and
while holding your arms close to your
body you would curl one wrist up at a
time switching from side to side to
slowly wrap the rope around the bar and
raise the weight up to your hands once
you get the weight up to the top you
want to make sure that you avoid making
the common mistake of just loosening
your grip and letting the rope
roll back down to the floor this is
because as I'm sure you know the
negative or the eccentric portion of a
contraction is the part of the movement
that breaks down the muscle the most so
you want to slowly unwind the rope the
same way that you wounded up alternating
from one hand to the other until it's
all the way at the bottom another common
mistake that you want to avoid while
doing this exercise is holding your arms
straight out in front of your body in a
frontal raised position while this isn't
necessarily bad for you it's not as
effective for your forearms because
after about 30 seconds your shoulders
are gonna start feeling a lot of fatigue
limiting the amount of rounds that you
can roll the weight up and down due to
shoulder fatigue rather than forearm
fatigue now just as a side note keep in
mind that you can always use this
exercise to work the inside of your
forearms and you can do that one of two
ways the first way is by turning your
hands over and holding your arms bent at
a 90 degree angle then you would just
alternate curling one wrist up at a time
the second way is to keep your hands in
the same position as before except
instead of curling your knuckles up
towards you you would now curl them
downward and alternate from side to side
that way all three of these exercise
variations are excellent at hitting the
forearms I recommend doing 3 to 4 sets
of 3 to 5 rounds per set depending on
how much weight you're using and by the
way when I say around I'm talking about
fully winding the weight up and
unwinding it all the way down I would
count as one complete round another
great exercise to target your outer
forms is the reverse wrist curl these
are very similar to the ones that we
were doing earlier and we can use the
bench just like before but this time we
would just simply curl the barbell up
with our knuckles up rather than down
but since the muscles on the outside of
our forearms will typically be a little
weaker than the muscles on the inside of
the forearms the bar itself might be a
little too heavy for some of you to
perform reverse wrist curls with so if
you can't do it with a barbell grab a
dumbbell and take a seat on the bench
then place your forearm along your thigh
towards the end so that your wrist is
once again hanging off the edge then
simply lower the dumbbell to get a nice
stretch and then curl your wrist up by
trying to drive your knuckles towards
the ceiling then lower back down and
repeat for reps placing your forearms
over your knees in
set up over the bench is actually a
variation that you can do to target the
inside as well as the outside of your
forearms next I want to move on to to
compound exercises for your forearms
starting first with hammer curls anytime
that you have your hand turned over in a
neutral or a pronated position you'll be
able to incorporate a lot more of your
forearm into the movement specifically
hammer curls really help to target that
large forearm muscle that I was talking
about earlier known as the
brachioradialis so to start this one
you'll first want to grab two dumbbells
and hold them in a neutral position
then you're gonna curl one dumbbell up
until your forearm is almost vertical
and your thumb will be pointing towards
your shoulder after that you'll just
slowly lower the dumbbell back down to
the original starting position and
switch to the other side alternating
back and forth for reps now you can do
the seated or standing both can be very
effective but you do want to make sure
that you avoid some very common mistakes
first of all make sure that you're not
swinging back and forth using momentum
until the last one or two reps also make
sure that you keep your elbows pinned to
your sides and don't allow them to flare
out away from your ribs or to flare in
front of your body now an alternative
you can do that still considered a
hammer curl is the cross body hammer
curl pretty much everything else would
stay exactly the same the only
difference is that now you're going to
be coming across your body and instead
of aiming to bring the dumbbell up to
your shoulder you're going to be aiming
to bring it up to your opposite PEC
before switching sides and alternating
for reps another compound exercise to
target your form is the reverse grip EZ
bar curl now this one can be done a
number of different ways you can use an
EZ bar a regular straight barbell cables
and you can even use a bench set at an
incline angle that you would lean
against for an exercise known as spider
curls but the core concept for all these
exercises is the same you would grab the
bar with an overhand grip so your palms
will be facing down and your knuckles
will be facing up then you would curl
the weight up towards your shoulders and
slowly lower back down before repeating
for reps again while doing this make
sure you keep those elbows at your sides
and don't let them flare forward or
outward the only exception is with
spider curls since obviously your elbows
will not be directly at your
but instead they'll be in front of your
body due to the angle that you'll be
performing the exercise from moving on
for the last few exercises I want to
show you guys not only how to build up
your forearms but also how to highly
strengthen your grip and the first way
to do that is with the plate pinch you
would do this one by simply taking two
weighted plates five or ten pound plates
are great to start with then you would
stack them side-by-side so that the
smooth sides of the plates are facing
outward and from there you would just
hold these two plates sandwich together
in your hands for 45 to 90 seconds or
until you hit failure and just can't
hold them anymore if you can hold it for
longer than 90 seconds you can of course
go for a longer time frame but I
recommend moving up and weight instead
and you can do that by either stacking a
third 10-pound plate on to the other two
or you can take two 25 pound plates and
hold those two together just keep in
mind going from 10 pound plates to 25 s
is a pretty big jump another great
exercise for grip and building up the
forearm is the good old farmer walk this
one's pretty straightforward you grab
some really heavy dumbbells or a trap
bar loaded with some really heavy weight
and you simply walk now that might sound
easy but it will absolutely exhaust not
only your grip strength but many other
upper body muscles including your biceps
shoulders and traps again here just 45
to 90 seconds of walking with a heavy
weight load will provide an excellent
challenge the last exercise that will
help your grip as well as your forearms
will require the use of grippers you can
buy a bunch of different grippers by
going with a brand like captain czuv
crush where each gripper will provide
its own resistance level ranging from a
light amount of resistance to a very
heavy amount of resistance so you can
progressively work your way on up this
was the go-to way to strengthen your
grip over many years but nowadays there
are products that allow you to adjust
the resistance level so you can have a
light medium and heavy resistance level
all in one gripper but regardless of
which you go with the exercises perform
the same exact way you would simply try
to crush the gripper and squeeze as hard
as you can before slowly opening your
hand to return back to the starting
position then you would just repeat that
for reps now other than all of these
exercises you can also use certain
accessories to help in core
more of your forearms and your grip
strength into your workouts for example
you can use thicker barbells if you have
access to them or you can buy what are
known as fat grips to make it more
challenging to grip and hold weights
whether you're doing rows farmer walks
or curls additionally with the fat grips
you can use them on a lot of different
equipment other than just dumbbells and
barbells for example you can even use
them on the pull-up bar
and speaking of pull-ups another
accessory that you can use to strengthen
your grip is what's known as the
cannonball grip you would attach these
cannonballs to a pull-up bar and perform
pull-ups that way that about wraps it up
guys I really hope that you enjoyed this
video and that you got at least a few
new ideas on how to challenge and
develop your forearms as well as your
grip strength to help those forums grow
bigger wider and stronger I recommend
taking a few of these exercises and
throwing them in at the end of your
bicep training workouts to further
stimulate the forearms remember to
subscribe to the channel and hit that
Bell icon and also if you're looking for
a done-for-you program that'll help you
develop not only your forearms but other
muscles in your body like your chest
back shoulders and legs and you want to
skip all that trial and error just visit
my website where we have challenges
designed to help you achieve your body
transformation goals whether that be
building muscle or burning fat you'll
get a customizable meal plan that will
change as your metabolism adapts and
changes throughout the entire program
you'll also get a full workout plan with
a full video exercise library so you're
never left confused as well as a recipe
book and an accountability coach that'll
be there to guide you through the entire
process and much much more to find out
more you can click the link below in the
description or you can visit my website
directly at gravity transformation calm
I'll see you guys soon
how to get bigger forearms
how to get bigger arms
how to get wider forearms
best exercises for bigger forearms
forearm workout
forearm workout with dumbbells
best forearm workout
how ot train your forearms
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how to build big forearms
get huge forearms
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