Donald Trump's China-centric attack on WHO | Coronavirus Pandemic
Donald Trump's China-centric attack on WHO | Coronavirus Pandemic
let's get you all the updates on the big international story of the day Donald Trump u.s. President says the WorldHealth Organization failed to prepare the world for this pandemic Donald Trump
to the world that the situation was serious but the World Health Organization was still dragging its feet on the same day the organization issued an intermediate level alert despite the call for at least a public health emergency Proclamation that announcement came seven days later by which time it
became clear that the Western countries would also be hit this virus United States was one of the first countries to impose travel curbs on China but the World Health Organization interpreted this as racism as a way of stigmatizing China interestingly the same organization had called for travel curbs on SARS hit countries back in 2002 between the 16th and the 24th of February the World Health Organization and China conducted a joint assessment of the situation the report raised the report praised China for what it described as the most ambitious agile and aggressive containment response in history but there was no mention of the massive underreporting of cases that have now come to light interestingly the report also had a warning for the global community that the virus was highly
contagious and could cause enormous health economic and social impacts but the World Health Organization still refused to call it a pandemic on the 26th of February the world had hungry World Health Organization chief Ted, Ross once again raised the stigma argument while rejecting the proclamation of a pandemic by this point there were more than 80,000 cases worldwide and 2,800
deaths finally on the 11th of March the World Health Organization declared over 19 a pandemic by this time China had overcome the worst of this disease and Europe was bracing for the worst of it the World Health Organization has a very simple mandate if you think about it keep an eye out for diseases that could ravage the world advise governments on adequate responses and keep politics out of it but the w-h-o failed on all three counts by trusting China the whu-oh failed to warn us about how severe the outbreak was going to be most governments were left to devise a strategy on their own China's lockdown method and South Korea's rampant testing method was not suggested by the World Health Organization but devised by their own policymakers and finally the politicization the World Health Organization ostracized Taiwan and refused to believe its reports as early as mid-December and the World Health Organization Chief was praised he has praised China's response to the pandemic without ever casting a shadow of doubt over the numbers reported by the Chinese
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blames the World Health Organization for being too china centric while Trump's own response is nothing to write home about there is merit in the president's claims let's give you a detailed account of how the w-h-o failed to read the warning signals time and time again it was on the 31st of December last year that China reported a new strain of the coronavirus to the World Health Organization country office Chinese authorities referred to a seafood market in ohan as the focal point but it was
only in late February that the World Health Organization team was actually granted permission to visit Ohan that turned out to be the epicenter of this virus for close to two months that the World Health Organization's response was based on the information that was being published by the Chinese government and this had consequences on the 13th of January the first case was reported outside China in Thailand the patient had not visited the seafood market in ohan but World HealthOrganization refused to believe this was a case of human to human transmission they used a study conducted by China to reject this possibility experts argue that the exponential rise in the number of cases was a clear indication of human-to-human transmission it was only on the 20th of January that China confirmed human to human transmission keep in mind that during this whole time infected patients from China were making their way across the world unaware that they were carriers of a deadly infection on January 23rd when China quarantine the entire city of ohan it was obviousto the world that the situation was serious but the World Health Organization was still dragging its feet on the same day the organization issued an intermediate level alert despite the call for at least a public health emergency Proclamation that announcement came seven days later by which time it
became clear that the Western countries would also be hit this virus United States was one of the first countries to impose travel curbs on China but the World Health Organization interpreted this as racism as a way of stigmatizing China interestingly the same organization had called for travel curbs on SARS hit countries back in 2002 between the 16th and the 24th of February the World Health Organization and China conducted a joint assessment of the situation the report raised the report praised China for what it described as the most ambitious agile and aggressive containment response in history but there was no mention of the massive underreporting of cases that have now come to light interestingly the report also had a warning for the global community that the virus was highly
contagious and could cause enormous health economic and social impacts but the World Health Organization still refused to call it a pandemic on the 26th of February the world had hungry World Health Organization chief Ted, Ross once again raised the stigma argument while rejecting the proclamation of a pandemic by this point there were more than 80,000 cases worldwide and 2,800
deaths finally on the 11th of March the World Health Organization declared over 19 a pandemic by this time China had overcome the worst of this disease and Europe was bracing for the worst of it the World Health Organization has a very simple mandate if you think about it keep an eye out for diseases that could ravage the world advise governments on adequate responses and keep politics out of it but the w-h-o failed on all three counts by trusting China the whu-oh failed to warn us about how severe the outbreak was going to be most governments were left to devise a strategy on their own China's lockdown method and South Korea's rampant testing method was not suggested by the World Health Organization but devised by their own policymakers and finally the politicization the World Health Organization ostracized Taiwan and refused to believe its reports as early as mid-December and the World Health Organization Chief was praised he has praised China's response to the pandemic without ever casting a shadow of doubt over the numbers reported by the Chinese
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