
India: 21 Indian Navy personnel tests positive for COVID-19 at a Naval site in Mumbai

India: 21 Indian Navy personnel tests positive for COVID-19 at a Naval site in Mumbai 

let's bring you some updates from India now at least 21 Indian Navy personnel
have tested positive for corvid 19 at a naval site establishment in Mumbai 20 of
the infected are sailors of the IANA Sangha most of the cases are
asymptomatic and have been traced to a single source which is a sailor who
tested positive on April 7th there has been no coronavirus case onboard ships
and submarines so far and now for more we are being joined by our principal
diplomatic correspondence advanced civil and the phone lines to found a very good
morning to you tell us it seems 21 Navy sailors have now tested positive in
Mumbai so what measures are being taken to isolate them and contain this infection
protocol is being followed her all these people who have been found infected has
been isolated and of course we know that many of them are asymptomatic which
means they are not showing any symptoms off of it but biologic the good news of
course is there is no case of infection on board any of Indian Navy ships or
submarines which is a very positive news because we have seen what's happening
with the naval assets of the Americans and the Saints who have been coming
under pressure with a lot of people not only persons found infected but this
this is an awful naval establishment in Mumbai and primarily the DB location has
been now under lockdown and these people were in fact living together and now of
course they have been shifted to an isolated zone quarantine so silent
protocol is being followed you also know that the Indian Army has also confirmed
infections last two weeks it people have found infected in fact the first case
was found in an army personnel in the union territory of lay the be person got
infection because of his father who had come from Iran but that person has now
been confirmed okay in the sense that he had been discharged after treat a test and after
he recuperated from a leak of it and now we know that numbers have reviewed the
file as we know that the Army Navy and Air Force had union turn orders to make
that all orders having philemon from support like social distancing hangs
people following all the rules and regulations especially in the cantonment
area so maybe it was an aphid army has been taking precaution but by and large
that the fact that 21 serving persons have been found positive its is not a
very very positive news but a person they are asymptomatic and that remains a
glimmer of hope for for the air for the Navy but by and large the Indian forces
have been taking all the precautions when it comes to the big covert crisis
making for the Kovach crisis does not spread in the Armed Forces
so we know that these sailors are asymptomatic as of now but do we know
any more details about how these sailors caught the virus and we know that Mumbai
is one of the worst-hit regions from
this virus well no details have been
doing how they got infected but one
thing I did tell you that the Navy had
proper quarantine facility had hosted
the evacuate the Indian evacuees who
were brought from Iran and these
evacuees have been sent back after
spending approximately 21 days there in
foreign time periods but that can be one
of the sources but there has not been
any official information regarding it we
also know that there the evacuees from
Iran were brought to it Army's foreign
kingdoms in jessamine and so for almost
16 have been found positive now with
covin even though when they left they
were tested properly and they were found
a negative event but when there is here
we have been found positive so by and
large there is obviously a variant of
course as you mentioned that maharashtra
mumbai none the worse in fact in
impacted areas because of covert so this
is a looming said this is something that
is a worrisome factor for the country
and we know the numbers are increasing
rapidly inside this a short while ago
the Indian German updated the numbers
regarding the Kuwait right all right so
thank you so much for your inputs we'll
come back to you for more as the story



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