Scientists may prepare COVID-19 vaccine by September | Coronavirus Vaccine | World News
Scientists may prepare COVID-19 vaccine by September | Coronavirus Vaccine | World News
meanwhile, it is a race against time to
try and develop a vaccine for covered 19
now a group of scientists say that a
Corolla Waris vaccine could be available
as early as by September this year the
Sara Gilbert was a professor of mixology
at Oxford University has told The
Times newspaper that she is pretty much
80% confident with the vaccine would
work and could be ready by September
this year but has also warned that
manufacturing the millions of Maxine
doses could take some time now Gilbert
Steen is one of dozens a worldwide that
is working on a vaccine and is the most
advanced in Britain and is set to begin
human trials in a span of two weeks but
other scientists also indicate that it
could only be available in a timeframe
of 12 to 18 months but researchers are
already warning that it might not be
physically possible to make enough
maxine's for everyone on earth and that
the rich countries might start hoarding
supplies according to the World Health
Organization country at least about 62
efforts are underway by drug companies
and universities who are not racing to
develop covered 19 maxeen the many
scientist have expressed optimism the
vaccine will prove successful based on
early evidence that the corona virus
patients can produce antibodies the
proteins in blood that attack and
neutralize viruses
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