US fights COVID-19 | Trump plans to reopen economy | Trump and state governors in tussle
US fights COVID-19 | Trump plans to reopen economy | Trump and state governors in tussle -

US fights COVID-19 | Trump plans to reopen economy | Trump and state governors in tussle |
earlier we spoke with geography Davi
from Washington DC on how soon we can
expect New York and other US states to
reopen their economies listening well
this is the other big issue that was
addressed in this briefing and this is
something that governors have been
looking at as well there's governor's on
the East Coast states and West Coast
coastal states are forming committees to
form a coordinated approach as to how
they can reopen their respective
economies but of course the president in
today's briefing I said that that
decision ultimately rested with him
saying that he had total authority over
States to Rio to run to reopen the
economy when he was pressed as to if a
state issues a stay at home order can
the president can you try to get them to
rescind it and the president said he had
total authority later did say that he
had the power the federal government had
the power to do it but it was up to him
whether to use that power or not and he
ultimately wanted States to make that
decision so he was hedging but really
very strongly was suggesting that it was
his decision when to reopen or that he
could force States to do so which is
interesting given that he when it was -
when there was talk of shutting down
states shutting down the economy and the
president neglected to issue a
nationwide stay at home order saying
that he wanted to leave that to
individual governors
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