India: 21 Indian Navy personnel tests positive for COVID-19 at a Naval site in Mumbai
India: 21 Indian Navy personnel tests positive for COVID-19 at a Naval site in Mumbai let's bring you some updates from India now at least 21 Indian Navy personnel have tested positive for corvid 19 at a naval site establishment in Mumbai 20 of the infected are sailors of the IANA Sangha most of the cases are asymptomatic and have been traced to a single source which is a sailor who tested positive on April 7th there has been no coronavirus case onboard ships and submarines so far and now for more we are being joined by our principal diplomatic correspondence advanced civil and the phone lines to found a very good morning to you tell us it seems 21 Navy sailors have now tested positive in Mumbai so what measures are being taken to isolate them and contain this infection protocol is being followed her all these people who have been found infected has been isolated and of course we know that many of them are asymptomatic which means they are not showing any symptoms of...